How to help your weight loss in a healthy and effective way

Ah, weight loss!

It is so "taboo" to talk about it, because it is unfortunately too often associated with a precise vision of what a "perfect body" is.

But oh! That's not what we're talking about here.

You have to understand us. Here, we don't promote a certain standard of body, because body diversity is beautiful!

What we encourage and what is important for us is above all to feel good about our bodies.

And that's exactly what it's all about. Anyone who begins a weight loss process to take care of him or herself - for whatever reason - may want to give it a little push to optimize results.

It's quite legitimate when you put so much effort into it.

Speaking of effort. We regularly receive messages from clients who are doing their best to take care of themselves:

"Hello Clinique O'terra!

I work out, I eat well, I drink lots of water and yet, I have trouble getting rid of [my "belly" / my love handles / the little fat on my back / etc.].

Do you have something to recommend to help me?"

Well yes!

Here are three that we particularly like:

Belle et Svelte

The "fat burner" supplement: Belle et Svelte.

(Psst! We recognize that its name - which means beautiful and slender in french - is questionable, but the product itself is very effective ;))

It is a phytotherapy complex that promotes weight loss and elimination of cellulite by stimulating the body's elimination functions. It is diuretic, detoxifying, appetite suppressant and draining of the liver.

More precisely, it is effective because it allows a better metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. In other words, this product is excellent for weight loss - when combined with a healthy lifestyle, of course.

*This product should not be taken continuously.


The "detoxifying" supplement: Phyto-Drainol.

This natural product helps to detoxify the body, i.e. to drain the liver, kidneys, skin and intestines. It therefore helps to reduce bloating, which can be greatly beneficial in the weight loss process.

*This product should not be taken continuously.


Last but not least: the Slimwave.

This treatment offered at the clinic promotes local weight loss and firming. It is a very effective technology, combined with a healthy lifestyle, of course!

But what exactly is Slimwave?!

It is a muscular electrostimulation technology that makes it possible to obtain a targeted weight loss (ex: love handles, stomach, saddlebags, inner thigh, back, etc.). It is also possible to do a more muscular mode, targeted on the buttocks & abdominals to obtain a "Brazilian butt lift" effect.

Interesting, isn't it?!

On average, people will do between five & ten sessions and come every week. And each session includes infra-therapy, which :

  • promotes sweating
  • increases heart rate
  • activates blood & lymphatic circulation
  • helps to eliminate toxins
  • results in a loss of calories

It is possible to combine several products and other in-clinic technologies in order to propose a treatment plan that is well adapted to each individual and the desired results.

Obviously, there is no such thing as a "miracle solution". It should not be forgotten that miracle diets that make people lose weight quickly offer short-lived results. Quickly lost, quickly regained!

And unless we're wrong, that's not what you want.

Balance and a healthy lifestyle are essential in your process. You will see a gradual weight loss (which is desirable) and, above all, a long-lasting weight loss. But the fact remains that solutions to promote your weight loss process exist and are very helpful!

Contact us for a free evaluation of your needs!




Clinique O'terra offers a wide range of natural products, beauty tools and body treatments to help you take care of yourself. Do not hesitate to visit our website or contact us for more information.

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