A complete guide on how to enjoy the Black Friday sale

It's finally here: our biggest sale of the year is back and it's the perfect opportunity to start (or complete) your Christmas gifts while saving big!

This year, to make your shopping easier, we have decided to do things a little differently. We will be discounting the entire website and no promotional code will be required!

What's more, to allow you to take advantage of the discounts longer, we are extending the promotion. The sale will be held from November 17th to 27th inclusively! Yes, 10 days of discounts!!!

Let's talk promo! Without revealing all the discounts in advance (we still want to keep a few surprises hihi), we will still give you a sneak peek by telling you that some items will be reduced up to 40% off! You read that right: UP TO 40% OFFThis is unheard of at O'terra and we are super excited!


To help you choose what to buy (& which treatments to buy, as they will also be discounted), we have prepared this little guide:


Shopping for products?!

The best way to find products is to use our thematic sets and Christmas boxes. Yes, for another year, our Christmas boxes are back! However, since our thematic sets are already very complete on their own, we have decided to add only 2 boxes this year, a "Best-seller 2022" box and a "New products 2022" box!

To successfully shop using our thematic sets & Christmas boxes, here is a quick overview:


>> "Best-seller 2022" box

As the name suggests, this box features all of our best sellers of 2022! It's perfect to give (or to give yourself) as a gift. It's also the box we recommend for first-time buyers of O'terra products!


>> "New products 2022" box

The "New Products 2022" box is perfect if you like to try new products and haven't yet had the time to test our latest additions in 2022! It also makes a great gift.


>> "Stay Moisturized!" set

This next set offers all the moisturizing properties you need (both for the body and face). This is the set to choose if you want healthy, glowing skin. It's also a great selection of products to gift as they are suitable for all skin types.


>> "No More Pimples" set

Here, we have gathered all the products you need to get rid of your pimples! This is a very complete set that combines beauty tools, products and supplements. We get a lot of positive feedback on it!


>> "Face Skincare Routine" set

The "Face Skincare Routine" set includes all the "face" essentials for a complete and gentle beauty routine, from makeup remover to cream! We love it.


>> "30 day challenge / Detox & Cellulite" set

This set is actually a challenge! It is ideal for people who want to do a detox to reduce their cellulite. As we advocate beauty from the inside out, it is important to us to offer a challenge that combines beauty products & tools as well as natural supplements.

>> "Dream hair" set

"Dream Hair" will save your hair, literally. It contains all our natural hair products that promote hair growth and shine! Give it to people you know who want to change their hair routine for environmentally friendly products.


>> "Baby On Board" set

This next set is p.e.r.f.e.c.t for moms-to-be! It allows you to pamper your body during the long months of pregnancy and to take care of yourself!


>> "Bye Bye, Cellulite" set

The "Bye bye, cellulite!" set perfectly complements our treatments. It includes all the essential tools to fight cellulite! It's a great gift for people who want to start anti-cellulite treatments soon.


>> "Say Goodbye to Water Retention" set

Finally, the "Say Goodbye to Water Retention" kit combines supplements, herbal tea and tools to reduce water retention considerably. You will never feel so light! You absolutely need this kit for the holidays!


We also have a "Sarah's favorites" and "Ève-Sophie's favorites" set that includes all of @sarahcout's and @evelabine's favorite products! To be discovered.


Shopping for treatments?!

To properly shop for treatments, it is important to identify your needs.


>> You want to work on cellulite? We offer 2 types of anti-cellulite treatments at the clinic: the Celluskin and the Kuma!


>> Would you like to reduce your water retention? We recommend the PSX treatment! Note that this treatment can also be done while pregnant (a great gift idea for future mothers).


>> Do you want to lose weight and/or firm up certain areas of your body? Opt for the Slimwave treatment.


>> You want a "detox" treatment that will eliminate all the toxins and also help you with your water retention? The body wrap is just right for you.


>> You want to reduce the appearance of your stretch marks? Microneedling is for you!


If you are unsure which treatment is right for you, please note that evaluations in the clinic are free. It is also possible for us to direct you via messages. Do not hesitate to contact us! You can also consult the "Treatments" page of our website or check out our Instagram highlights!


All treatments purchased will be added to your account, and you can use them whenever you want. No expiration date!


Finally, don't forget to register for our VIP sale! An additional discount valid for only a few hours will be sent to you on November 17. Yes, even more savings!!! To register, simply subscribe to our newsletter! Enjoy your shopping!

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